Ken Stewart is a multidisciplinary media communications professional excelling at using intentional media creation and human-centered design to support digital communications for nonprofits and small businesses.
She is currently studying for her Masters of Human-Computer Interaction at Carnegie Mellon University’s Human-Computer Interaction Institute.
Her research interests include cyborg anthropology and the concept of self as metareality in user-generated content on social media. She received her BA in Film & Media Studies and Anthropology from University of Pittsburgh in 2019. Her film work has been screened at BFI Southbank in London, UK, Gutterbliss Film Festival in Wilmington, NC and the Solstice Showcase in Anchorage, AK.
Her ongoing art project kaleidoscopes for eyes (202x) can be accessed on Instagram at @kaleidoscopesforeyes. For thoughts on the project and her research interests, visit her Artist Statement.
You can see her past works in web design and social media content creation at New Anthem Beer Project, videography at Middleway Marketing & UPMC’s Neuroscience Research Foundation and writing at Senior Voice Alaska.